Welcome to my site! Here you will find a broad range of graphic services that I offer to organizations like yours. Contact me if you need unique, eye-catching communication materials for your organization.
|  New educational material for Trade Union Confederation of the Americas
In May 2012 the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas held its second international congress in São Paulo, Brazil. In order to help congress delegates grasp the complex issues in TUCA's lengthy discussion paper — a detailed analysis of economic, political, and social trends across the hemisphere and strategies for the advancement of labour in a time of global crisis — I produced this four-page, reader-friendly supplement titled Changing the Model. The piece explains, in accessible language and entertaining illustrations, TUCA's central argument that progressive economic, social and labour policies implemented by left-leaning governments across Latin America in recent years were instrumental in helping the region come through the global economic crisis in relatively good shape, and that, while this trend is good, much more is needed to achieve a truly inclusive and democratic economy with "decent work" for all. For more information and to download a copy see the "portfolio" section of Educational comics on this site. Copies in French, Spanish and Portuguese are available at TUCA's congress documents page. |
|  "LAY US OFF!!" Unique campaign by aging Ontario food bank volunteers challenges government to make food banks obsolete
Earlier this year I designed campaign materials for an Ontario-wide association of food bank volunteers calling itself the Freedom 90 Union. The name is a tongue-in-cheek reference to that infamous "Freedom 55" marketing campaign of yesteryear, which promised investors an early and leisurely retirement at the young age of 55. Many food bank volunteers in Ontario are senior citizens, who have been doing the same heroic work for thirty-plus years — ever since the early 1980s, in fact, when food banks first began sprouting up as a "temporary" measure to help those hard-hit by the recession of that era. But even during the prosperous times that followed, governments failed to address poverty and food security issues, and food banks became a permanent feature of the landscape. Now, many of these volunteers — some quite literally approaching the age of 90 — are calling on the Ontario government to implement poverty-reduction measures that will end the need for food banks — "before we reach the age of 90!"
Visit Freedom 90 for more information on this unique and creative campaign. |
|  New tool helps unions fight more effectively
There's no question that in this time of global economic turmoil, organized labour and the middle class are under attack by an emboldened corporate and political elite seeking to reverse workers' historic gains. Seasoned activists and facilitators Rob Fairley and Mike Balkwill have written this timely Campaign Planning Handbook (2011, Toronto & York Region Labour Council) to help unions organize effective responses to these pressures. Complete with diagrams, exercises and a user-friendly design (provided by me), the handbook helps unions analyze the complex forces aligning against them, recognize and overcome internal dysfunctions and communication problems, identify the broad spectrum of opponents and allies, and mount effective campaigns. The authors also provide training seminars based on this material. To download a copy or to contact the authors click here. Contact the Toronto & York Region Labour Council to order published copies. |
|  Trade Justice Network releases educational leaflet explaining dangers of little-known free trade talks between Canada and European Union
"Hey Canada, heard of the CETA yet? No? It's not surprising!" begins the introduction to this new four-page illustrated educational leaflet titled Top ten reasons why CETA is bad for Canada, published by the Trade Justice Network. Once again, the Canadian government is pushing ahead with free trade talks that will change the face of Canada and they're doing it behind closed doors. The proposed agreement, called the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), will radically alter our country by enshrining a broad set of rights for transnational corporations while endangering the democratic rights of Canadians. Yet hardly anyone has heard about it! This educational leaflet provides readers with a quick, entertaining, easy-to-understand overview of the fundamental changes our leaders have in store for us as they quietly negotiate away many of our rights. For more information on the campaign to expose and oppose the CETA, and to order copies of this educational resource, visit the Trade Justice Network. To download a PDF version, see the "portfolio" section of Educational comics on this site. |
| Another Jim Stanford - Tony Biddle collaboration:  CAW puts out illustrated educational piece on financial collapse
Written by economist Jim Stanford, How to Make a Financial Soufflé: The ingredients of Financial Chaos is a four-page educational leaflet that explains in easy-to-understand terms and images how and why financial crises, like the one currently gripping the globe, happen. Follow the crazy corporate chef as he whips up a foul-tasting soufflé called Financial Chaos. See how the excesses of capitalist greed, combined with cheap credit and willful negligence on the part of government lead to the creation of speculative bubbles which inevitably implode, causing chaos and undue hardship in the real economy where ordinary citizens live and work. How to Make a Financial Soufflé is a call to action to transform our economy to one based on democratic control, fairness and genuine productive pursuits. To download a copy visit the CAW or see the "portfolio" section of Educational comics on this site. |
| Book by economist Jim Stanford, illustrated by Tony Biddle
 Recently I had the privilege of illustrating Jim Stanford's new book Economics for Everyone: A Short Guide to the Economics of Capitalism (Fernwood Publishing, Pluto Press, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives). Jim Stanford works with the Canadian Auto Workers union and is Canada's preeminent progressive economist. His writings appear regularly in The Globe & Mail, and he is frequently called upon by CBC television and radio to provide his analysis of current economic trends. Jim's new book is a ground-breaker an economic text written in plain, entertaining language designed to demystify economics for the average reader. With the help of 28 of my cartoon illustrations and diagrams (or, "economic road maps" as we call them), Jim starts with the smallest microcosm of the capitalist system and gradually builds in complexity, chapter by chapter, until he describes the whole global system and the risks and failures inherent therein. Economics for Everyone, as the title suggests, is for everyone, but it is especially valuable for labour, social justice and environmental activists who need to become more economically literate in their work. Jim has put together a complementary curriculum, available on-line, for those wishing to use the book as the basis for a structured course. For more information and to purchase copies of the book, visit economicsforeveryone.ca. |